
Sampling and analysis of PCDD/PCDF and relevant parameters in Suralaya power plant, Unit 6, Indonesia

Klíčová slova

dioxins, furans, PCDD/Fs, POPs, mercury, indonesia, emmission measurements

Popis projektu

Funded by UNIDO, this project was a part of a wider regional project called "Demonstration of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) in the Fossil fuel-fired Utilities and Industrial Boilers in response to the Stockholm Convention on POPs". The main goal of this particular project was to gather data in order assess the effectiveness of the implemented BATs and BEPs on the emission of Dioxins, Furans and Mercury in the Suralaya Power Plant in Indonesia. DEKONTA, as the main contractor, was responsible to send a team of experts to the field in order to perform several filed measurements collect and send samples to be analysed in our partner’s laboratory

Typ služeb

The activities done by the contractor were the following:
  • Measurement of PCDD/PCDF and Mercury in flue gas
  • Measurement of operational parameters in range (temperature, pressure, gas velocity, gas flow rate, oxygen, H2O content (humidity), CO, CO2, SOx and NOx and particulate matter)
  • Sampling of coal, bottom ash and fly ash
  • Analysis of Coal for the content of mercury and total chlorine.
  • Analysis of fly ash and bottom ash for the content of PCDD/PCDF.


Indonesia / Suralaya

Hodnota zakázky

21,073 USD

Počet zaměstnanců DEKONTA

8 staff months

Funkce zaměstnanců

Karel Sottner - Project Manager

Fernando Rebelo - Project Administration

Vojtech Musil - Project Administration


United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Přidružení konzultanti / subdodavatelé


Kontaktní osoba

Carmela Centeno


Jan Vaněk, MBA
Head of Environmental Projects Division and Member of the Board of Directors