Czech Republic/Orlova

Remediation and rehabilitation of the Vaclav mining dump, and former tar plant, in Orlova, Czech Republic

Klíčová slova

site investigatioon, remediation, recultivation, excavation, pump & treat, groundwater

Popis projektu

Within this project the site of former abandoned, more than 100 years old coal mine and tar factory

Typ služeb

DEKONTA was responsible for the following tasks:
  • detail site investigation to prove extent and level of contamination
  • human health and environment risk assessment development
  • technical design for the site clean up and rehabilitation development
  • excavation and final disposal of app. 24 000 tons of soil contaminated with PAHs
  • Groundwater treatment (pump&treat) and monitoring
  • Identification and static security of the old mining tunnel


Czech Republic/Orlova

Hodnota zakázky

5,369,800 USD

Funkce zaměstnanců

Jan Vanek - Project Manager


DIAMO, státní podnik, OZ ODRA
Máchova 201, 471 27 Stráž pod Ralskem
Czech Republic

Kontaktní osoba

Ms. Janina Zawadzka
tel: +420 596 703 111


Jan Vaněk, MBA
Head of Environmental Projects Division and Member of the Board of Directors