Sao Tome
Environmentally sound management campaign of two identified sites in Sao Tome and Principe contaminated by pesticides including POPs pesticides
Klíčová slova
pesticides, hazardous waste, safeguarding, export, training, capacity building
Popis projektu
Funded by UNIDO, the main goals of this project is to safeguard, export and dispose approximately 20 t of Obsolete Pesticides and Pesticides contaminated material from two storehouses located in the Island of Sao Tome. In addition to its main goal, DEKONTA will provide training of a local team of workers regarding the safeguarding of the waste and training to national experts from the Ministry of Infrastructure, Natural Resources and Environment regarding onsite chemical analyses and procedures of the Basel Convention for exporting hazardous waste for disposal abroad. The project also includes a campaign of awareness regarding the risks of Obsolete Pesticides to the local community living next to one of the sites.
Typ služeb
As the Project Leader, DEKONTA is responsible to setup and manage the site, implement health and safety rules and supervise the safeguarding activities. In addition, DEKONTA is also responsible to obtain the documentation related to the notification process to export the waste for disposal abroad according to the procedures of the Basel Convention
Sao Tome
Hodnota zakázky
164,073 USD
Počet zaměstnanců DEKONTA
Funkce zaměstnanců
Ondrej Urban - Project Manager
Fernando Rebelo - Deputy Project Manager
Přidružení konzultanti / subdodavatelé
AFT Logistics, Sub-contractor; TRADEBE, Sub-contractor
Kontaktní osoba