Balcan countries

Transfer of Czech experience – Contaminated sites management in western Balkan countries

Klíčová slova

consultancy, environmental legislation, capacity building

Popis projektu

Funded by UNDP, the main goal of this project was to mitigate specific EU accession risks related to the industrial and mining environmental hotspots that caused obstacles in the target countries' harmonization with the related EU environmental acquis. The project was specifically focused on:
  • Mapping the existing national environmental legislation concerning industrial and mining activities and its level of alignment with the relevant EU environmental acquis
  • Mapping industrial and mining environmental hotspots in breach of the EU environmental regulations and provide recommendations for their future improvements and remediation and

Typ služeb

  • Site visits to gather data about hotspots


Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia,

Hodnota zakázky

84,624 USD

Počet zaměstnanců DEKONTA

8 staff-months

Funkce zaměstnanců

Vojtech Musil - Project Manager

Fernando Rebelo - Environmental Expert

Ales Kulhanek - Environmental Expert

Hana Cermakova - Study Trip Manager


UNDP (Regional Centre in Bratislava)
Grosslingova 35
911 09 Bratislava, Slovakia

Přidružení konzultanti / subdodavatelé


Kontaktní osoba

Miloslava Bindasova
Tel: +421 2 59337 111


Jan Vaněk, MBA
Head of Environmental Projects Division and Member of the Board of Directors