DIAMO, s.p., o.z. TÚU Stráž pod Ralskem

Risk analysis of the site administrated by DIAMO, s.p., o.z. TÚU Stráž pod Ralskem, affected by uranium mining

Klíčová slova

radioactive waste, uranium, heavy metals, mining, investigation, risk assessment

Popis projektu

Detailed survey of former uranium premises of DIAMO Co located in Straz pod Ralskem where uranium was extracted by conventional and acid extraction methods in large scale in the second half of 20th century. Thousands of soil, construction material, waste, groundwater and surface water samples were collected and analysed for large-scale profile of contaminats, incl. radionuclides and radioactivity itself. Based on the analytical data, the comprehensive risk analyses were completed for 5 separated sites.

Typ služeb

  • Detailed survey of contamination of the environment including saturated and unsaturated zone and surface water
  • Drilling of hydrogeological wells and soil probes
  • Soil, construction materials, waste, groundwater and surface water sample collection
  • Laboratory analyses
  • Risk assessment evaluation
  • Project management and reporting.


Czech Republic / Straz pod Ralskem

Hodnota zakázky

260,000 EUR

Počet zaměstnanců DEKONTA

88 staff-months

Funkce zaměstnanců

Ondrej Urban - Project Manager

Vojtech Musil - Project Co-ordinator


SCES Group, Ltd.
Stroupeznickeho 7, 40001 Usti nad Labem

Financující agentura


Přidružení konzultanti / subdodavatelé

ALS Group

Kontaktní osoba

Ms. Vera Vlckova
Tel.: +420 475 201 113
E-mail: sces@sces.cz


Jan Vaněk, MBA
Head of Environmental Projects Division and Member of the Board of Directors