Geotechnical Investigation

Geotechnical surveys and investigations are performed using ultimate equipment as a Geoprobe® 7822DT and MIP (Membrane Interface Probe, Geoprobe Systems, USA).

The MIP system allows to determine locations for a soil geotech sampling. MIP is a powerful useful tool for vertical mapping and retrieval information on contamination of soil by volatile organic pollutants in real time. This is one of the key technologies, the so-called High Resolution Site Characterization approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (HSCR, US EPA).

Another innovative solution is the MIP-IN. This device combines (1) detection of pollutants by membrane interface probe (MIP) and (2) a simultaneous correlated injection (IN) during direct push of the device using a drilling machine. The MIP-IN device is the basis for a new detection-injection technology with the main advantage of the nearly simultaneous coupling of detection of pollutants at a certain depth and injection of a suitable amount of reactive agent at that precise spot. In this way, the injected reagent is more targeted towards the real location of the pollution with reduced remediation time and cost.